JFA Purple Orange

JFA Purple Orange is the social policy agency of the Julia Farr Association Inc, a social profit organisation, working to assist people living with disability to get a fair go. Our work is anchored on the principles of Personhood and Citizenhood.

We know that many agencies and groups are working hard to strengthen their work in support of people living good lives. We also know that often the issues are complex and there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

We can assist you in a variety of ways to help your agency or group advance the life chances for people living with disability, their families, people living with mental health issues, or other vulnerable people. In addition to the knowledge and experience within JFA Purple Orange, we have good connectivity to other practitioners around Australia and internationally.


Visit JFA Purple Orange


inhousing is an innovative social landlord focused on the needs of individuals with disability. We aim to improve the lives of people with disability by creating quality homes, developing inclusive technology and building inclusive neighbourhoods.

Services provided by inhousing include:

- Social landlord of inclusive rental properties for people with disability.
- Design and construction of inclusive homes.
- NDIS SDA funds management and compliance for homes owned byindividuals.
- Inclusive assistive technology solutions through our Stretchy Tech service.

Visit the inhousing website

JFM Fund

The JFM Fund (previously Julia Farr MS McLeod Benevolent Fund) is committed to funding work that creates new models of inclusion, where people with disability take up valued, contributing roles in communities of their choice. They fund organisations and individuals with great, new, and disruptive ideas, supporting their innovation from start-up stage through to scale up.

Through their grants, JFM Fund supports work that develops, tests and grows innovation in disability inclusion and will influence policy and practice, beyond the direct impact of the funding.

Visit the JFM Fund website

Julia Farr Trust Funds

Julia Farr Trust Funds administers three trust funds designed to assist people living with disability. These are the General Distribution Fund, Short Stay Holiday Fund and JFA Noske Christmas Fund.  

Individuals must meet eligibility criteria to apply for these trust funds.

Visit the Julia Farr Trust Funds website